How to Stop Your Dog's Ear Mites from Coming Back

The best way to get rid of your dog's ear mites is to take them to a vet for medication that kills the mites. This treatment can take a few weeks, but it's sure to put an end to your dog's scratching, head shaking and ear abrasions.

However, ear mite treatment isn't a permanent cure. If you're not careful, your dog could get ear mites again—and again, and again—leading to more discomfort for your pup and more money in veterinary bills for you. If you want to stop your dog's mite infestation from coming back, here are two preventative tips to follow.

Wash Your Dog's Bedding

The first thing you should do is wash your pet's bedding. Like most mites, ear mites can survive on bedding. They can also lay their eggs there. As a result, your dog's bedding can easily spread the mite infestation back to them if all traces of mites aren't washed away.

Make sure you wash the bedding at the highest temperature it can handle to kill any mites and eggs residing there. Ideally, you should wash it a few times during the course of the treatment, then a final time right at the end. After that, keep up the washing schedule every few months. This way, any critters that do get into the bedding won't get time to breed into an infestation.

Clean Your Dog's Ears Regularly

While dogs don't get ear mites from being dirty or unkempt, regular ear cleaning is one of the best ways to prevent another mite outbreak. If you clean your pup's ears often, you're far more likely to spot one or two mites before they multiply and spread. Ideally, you should try to clean your dog's ears once a month.

You can buy special canine ear cleaning solutions from most pet shops. To clean your dog's ears, you'll also need some cotton wool and water. Start by putting your dog on the floor or on your lap (depending on how big or small they are), then gently lift your dog's ear with your thumb and forefinger.

Take a look around for any signs of mites, redness, discharge or scratching. If your pooch has the all clear, dampen a piece of cotton wool in the water and use it to wipe away any dirt and wax around the entrance of the ear canal. Next, follow the instructions on the ear cleaner—this usually involves inserting the applicator into your dog's ear, squeezing out some fluid and then massaging the base of the ear.

Take your dog to the vet for more information or assistance.
